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2011年3月2日 星期三

This is the best real estate market in a decade to the owner of the financing to investors!

Many investors s and owner will be shocked by this statement. But if you're an owner financing investor type, the next three to five years will provide enormous opportunities.

Vendors used to hire a real estate agent, the agent would set the House on the MLS, owner would begin the packaging and the agent would start spending your Commission check. Because they had just classify offers and pick one that offered the best conditions and more money on the asking price. As western spaghetti, those days are gone, along with many of the brokers real estate agents and mortgage that have flooded the market during the housing boom.

Now sellers are desperate for an offer-any offer. Buyers who could easily have qualified last year are now completely out of the market. The Fed could cut interest full colon and still will save the current market.

Is not the interest rate that is impacting shoppers, is the new standards, tighter requiring complete documentation, advances, two and three assessments or evaluations of property value and qualifications of the prospective buyer and many come up short.

Heck, even the buyers that the finish line to worry if your mortgage broker will be in the business are using until the filing closes, and if the creditor they are using will be able Fund of the business.

This provides an incredible opportunity to investor s that comprise the financing to grab great deals from the owner. And homeowners who understand the owner financing will sell its properties much faster and not have discount them as much-if at all.

Essentially the owner financing refers to any technique where the property owner helps the buyer to finance the purchase. This can be in the form of a ' second ' seller where the buyer usually Gets a loan to purchase majority, and the seller accepts a portion of the purchase price on a note that is payable by the buyer. Essentially the seller becomes a creditor.

An example would be a salesperson who had a house worth $ 500000 and is highly motivated to sell or are in a financial position where they do not need to receive all proceeds in cash. They can offer to finance 5-20% of the purchase price, thereby contributing to the buyer entered qualify for a loan. If the seller really need the money, they can also have the second that create this transaction and sell it to a buyer of notes with a discount.

The amount of discount will depend on a number of variables, including buyers, credit scores, the amount of seasoning in the loan and the loan value among other issues. To take back the second and then sell it in place of the secondary market can bring global seller, more money in this market almost certainly allow the property to be sold faster.

Other common owner financing techniques include sandwich lease options, leases, contract for deed, ' on ' and involves or all Inclusive Trust Deeds (AITD) and these will be future article topics, including examples of when you should or shouldn't use them.

If these techniques are so good, why are not well known? Since mortgage brokers and real estate agents don't make a Commission on these offers, they don't have an incentive to promote these techniques and since many agents are new – they simply don't know about them.

Examples of a couple of offers that could be done with owner financing:

1. the property is 100% LTV and the owner is $ 10000 behind without hope that comprise payments-conventional wisdom says that this would need a short sale, however, there are other methods that could work and allow the owner to leave without a foreclosure on your FICO.

2. the buyer has a prepayment, but cannot qualify for a loan of new guidelines.

3. the seller lost their job, needs fast, has a prepayment penalty and 90% of the value of the House and can't pay $ 5000 to your new job which is three hours.
Owner financing could help in all situations and with a little creativity, one can earn on these types of transactions.

Owner financing is not a panacea, but it is a very real option for many people who are not currently aware of their options. Whereas there are more than 150 thousand homes that are more than 30 days late in Los Angeles County alone, even if it only helped 10% of homeowners who were 15000 families.

Considering the millions of families in the United States who are facing foreclosure or having trouble selling your home, there are great opportunities for investor the s few years ago the owner financing come.

John s. Brooks, is vice President of national real estate investors Club and an expert on owner financing and foreclosures. This article was published in NCREI. To receive free training real estate five CD's and for the rest of the articles on financing go to

John s. Brooks has over 15 years experience in construction of residential real estate, rehabbing, find wholesale properties and real estate financing creative. Brooks began from the ground up to work in construction of family and then moving to buy vacant and abandoned properties. For three years he worked in the Texas markets, buying and selling properties using various techniques of owner financing.

He is now teamed with Sam Sadat, President of the national real estate investors Club (NCREI) to bring high-quality educational seminars and intensive trainings to investors throughout Southern California. Together they developed the NCREI investor Academy to assist investors to turn their training in action.

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