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2011年3月15日 星期二

Learn how to buy real estate in any market with none of your own money

Successful Real Estate Investors understand the need to have capital available in order to pursue investments that will allow for their continued business growth. However, this capital does not have to come from their own personal or business funds. The savvy Investor will use every method possible in order to get the most creative financing terms that will benefit them. Some of following methods will actually allow you purchase a property with little or no money down.

Due to the nature of putting creative deals together that may not conform to traditional lending procedures, it is strongly recommended to have your Attorney review any agreements or contracts in advance of you signing them. This will ensure your best interests are being protected.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask!
The following information will provide an overview on ways to generate creative financing to provide funding for your real estate investments. One thing to keep in mind with regards to getting a seller to agree to creative terms is that if you do not ask for it you will never really know what could have happened. If you provide compelling reasons why your request for creative financing is a Win/Win situation, you just may convince them to look outside their normal comfort zone and do the deal.

Cash is King
When it comes to having a strong negotiating position with a seller, nothing compares to telling them that you are willing to pay them cash immediately. Cash is a powerful tool and it is one way to set you apart from the many investors that may be after the same deal. There are a number of ways to ensure that you will always have the capital available to negotiate your cash deals with motivated sellers. The following sections will provide a number of possibilities.

Borrowing from Friends, Family, and Professionals
Although at first you may have concerns about approaching people you know or who are family members to discuss borrowing money from them, keep in mind you are approaching them with a business opportunity, not a handout from them. Your success in achieving the desired results with these people will depend completely on how you present your opportunity. If you sit down with them not properly prepared without having any of the obvious issues or questions worked out, you will probably walk away without the cash. However, if you put together a project plan that will include an overview and most importantly a viable exit strategy (so they know how they will get paid back) there is a good chance you will be successful.

Once you have exhibited your ability to complete these real estate transactions with the anticipated results, you will have people coming to you as an investment option.

Bring in a Money Partner as a Joint Venture "Equity Sharing" arrangement
Another approach to locate capital is to add a money partner and do a Joint Venture with them. This technique is different than a traditional Hard Money loan because they may take on a more active role in the project and perhaps instead of a straight loan percentage they may take a piece of the profits. In addition, they are typically added as owners any mortgage notes and Deeds. Usually in this arrangement, there is a split of the investment profit and loss as well as tax benefits. Although the split is typically 50/50, it does not have to be and could be determined based on the amount of capital or other skills the partners are bringing into the deal.

Keep in mind that a Joint Venture relationship is usually put together with a specific project in mind. Once the project has been completed, the Joint Venture relationship may end. The specific terms of the joint venture are outlined in a Joint Venture Agreement, which will legally bind the partners to the project.

The Joint Venture approach is a great way to "Test the Waters" with the Partners in order to assess the viability of continuing this relationship on another project or to elevate the relationship to another business level like forming a entity (LLC, S-Corporation, etc,) with them. If you are going to find out that you have selected the wrong partners, it will be much cleaner to find this out when your relationship is only based on the one project.

Partner with the Owners
As another approach to shared equity, you may come across a situation where a seller is looking to sell a property that is in need of rehabilitation and also may be behind on their personal expenses. You could come in and bring the property up to market value by completing any rehabilitation it may require. In return, you would get a percentage or flat return on your investment once the property has been sold. Make sure you have a beneficial interest in the property either by being added to the deed or by issuing a note back to the seller.

This technique can be very advantageous for owners who are unable to pay the monthly expenses.

Buying Low and Refinancing High
Buying low and refinancing high is great way for you to "create" and utilize equity.
This technique works very well on properties that can be acquired far below market value or due to the current poor condition of the property. There is an ability to add value in the form of improvements. By purchasing the property and refinance with a cash out, you can recoup the capital you gave the seller and repeat the process on the next property. This is a great way to leverage the same funds over and over again. In some cases, you may be able to allow the seller to hold the mortgage until you can refinance. One word of caution using this method, make sure you fully understand your ability to get a loan based on the property and your credit qualification. Keep in mind that banks have LTV (Loan to Value) limits on how much they will loan based on the appraised value of the property.

This is a True Story!
On one of our rental properties we purchased we had some very motivated sellers that had a property that would not qualify for traditional financing due to its condition. We were able to negotiate a deal where they would hold a mortgage while we rehabilitated the property. At the end of the mortgage period, we were able to refinance and pay off the owner financing creating a win/win situation.

Sale-Lease Back
Another twist to owner financing is a Sale Lease back. With this technique, the seller will provide financing for the sale and you will lease back the property to the seller. You can give either full or partial credit towards the fair market rental value. This arrangement could be a great win/win strategy. The seller's benefits are highlighted as follows:
* Eliminate the need to maintain the property, this could be very helpful if they are elderly or have an illness.
* The seller will receive an income stream to help pay for their expenses.
* Allows the seller to stay in the home, which can have powerful emotional benefits.
* The seller may benefit from a lump sum of cash from the down payment.

Doing a "Subject To"
The concept of a "Subject To" deal is that you will take title on a property subject to the existing mortgage remaining in place. This technique is different than assuming the loan because with an assumption, the loan is "transferred" to the new buyer. With a Subject To, you will pay the mortgage on behalf of the current owner. A Subject To deal is usually applicable when the property is not a candidate for a Short Sale. On a Subject To property there usually is significant equity in the property as apposed to a Short Sale that may not have any or negative equity.

Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)
A HELOC is a great resource to have when you need capital to fund your next acquisition. How this type of loan product works is fairly straightforward. If you currently own property that has equitity (the difference between the market value and the total amount of all mortgages), you can use that equity to secure a line of credit. A line of credit is a perpetual loan meaning as you use the line and pay it back, you can borrow it again. A HELOC usually comes with check writing capabilities so you can fund deals as soon as you locate them. Lenders will have underwriting guidelines that will limit the amount of equity they will allow you to pull from the secured property.

You should exercise when considering using this type of loan product. Remember, if your project fails and you can no longer make loan payments, the bank will foreclose on the property that held the security and it may be your home.

Using Credit Cards
There may be instances where you may need quick cash for a short period of time. Don't discount using your credit cards and requesting a cash advance. Although this option may cost you in terms of the high interest rate payments, it can be a viable approach to get you out of a jam with your cash flow or to raise capital for the acquisition of properties. If you have very good credit, I'm sure you are continuously bombarded with credit applications. Perhaps you should apply for a few of them and use the cash advance as another capital generation tool. Remember, most credit cards are free so if you do not use it, it will not cost you anything.

Assuming the Existing Mortgage
Assuming a mortgage is a great way to avoid dealing with all of the cost, time and underwriting criteria you may encounter when originating a new loan with your bank.
Basically, when you assume an existing mortgage, you are replacing the current borrower and stepping in and assuming all of the terms of the existing mortgage. Although at first this may seem like a great option, make sure you fully understand all of the terms and conditions of the loan. Many of these loans were originated when the interest rates were not as favorable as they are by today's standards.

The following list will summarize the key points you need to review before agreeing to assume the loan:

* Interest rate and any adjustments that may occur
* Any balloon payments
* Prepayment penalties
* Assumption fee
* Term left on mortgage
* Assumption qualifications

Owner Holding a Mortgage
One of the most effective ways of doing creative financing is when the current owner is willing to hold a mortgage for you. This method is clearly a win/win situation. The following highlights will summarize the benefits of this approach:

* The seller could benefit from reducing their Capital Gains tax resulting from a traditional transaction. In addition, they will receive monthly payments that will generate an income stream at a good rate of return.

* With potentially reduced closing costs, the seller may attract more buyers

* Rates and terms are negotiable

* Since institutional banks are not involved, the transaction can close faster which could benefit the seller.

* Property condition is not a problem because you will not have a bank underwriting the loan with specific guidelines regarding the condition of the property.

* The seller may get a higher sales price because some buyers will be willing to pay a premium for this benefit, especially if they are not currently a good candidate for traditional financing

* If the subject property is commercial and not performing well due to poor management or vacancy issues, a lender may not write the loan. Lenders are very sensitive to the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). See "Performing Financial Analysis on Investment Properties" handout for more information on this topic.

Once you have convinced the owner to hold a mortgage for you, your next objective is to work out the best terms of the loan. During the terms negotiating, there are a number of techniques you may want to consider to optimize the situation for you. The following will highlight some of the things you may want to negotiate with the seller:

* Defer the start of the payment cycle until you can generate income from the property.
* Have the interest rate on a sliding scale so that the early years have a lower rate than the later years. This could be beneficial in an appreciating rental market.
* Request interest only payments with a balloon payment due at some future point in time.
* Giving the seller a higher sales price in return for no or low interest rate.

Substitution of Collateral
A substitution of collateral basically means that you will use another property to secure a mortgage other than the property you are purchasing. For example, you can attach the mortgage to your primary home leaving the investment property you just purchased free of any liens. This technique will allow you to sell the investment property without having to satisfy the mortgage and leveraging the additional capital you will receive from the sale.

Perhaps the most powerful technique in creating deals is using the concepts of Options. Basically, an option is a formal contract between a buyer and seller that states that the seller will agree to the sale of the property at some point in the future for a pre-determined price and the buyer has the option of moving forward with the sale. For the privilege of having the option to purchase, the buyer will usually be required to pay an option fee upfront and if they do not "exercise the option", the fee will be surrendered to the seller. Typically, these option fees are held in escrow and will be managed in accordance with the options contract. Keep in mind that with these types of transactions, the seller is required to sell but the buyer has an option to purchase.

What the options technique allows you to accomplish is to have control over properties with very little money in the deal. Your only risk will be the loss of your option fee. During the option period, you will not be required to manage or provide capital for the underlying property including insurance or taxes.

A property owner usually retains the right to sell to someone else other than the purchaser of the option. However, the option will still survive the sale and just like a lease, the new owner must accept the terms and conditions of the option agreement.

Option Terms
Option terms are completely negotiable and usually no two deals look the same. The length of the option period can be anywhere from a few weeks to a number of years. Usually the shorter option periods are used when a buyer has determined that there is currently substantial equity and/or cash flow and need some time to either raise capital or locate another buyer to flip the deal to. Longer option periods are typically used when the buyer is anticipating future equity and/or cash flow. It is recommended that you consider having a provision in the contract that will allow you to extend the option period if it expires. This is referred to as a rolling option. Having the ability to extend the option period will usually cost additional option fees, but may be worth it if the property has the value you are anticipating.

Assignment of the Option
It is recommended that you add an assignment clause in the option contract that will allow someone else to walk into this contract. Consult your Attorney on the development of this document.

Lease Options
A variation to the option technique is a Lease-Option. This technique combines a typical lease with a purchase option. Unlike a straight option, the lease-option will shift the responsibility of property management to the leaseholder. With this technique, you will benefit from any cash flow and also tax advantages if this is a rental property.

Second Mortgages
Another technique to finance your acquisitions is to take a second mortgage out on a property you currently own. If you feel you will need these funds for an extended period of time, this could be a better solution than a HELOC loan because many of these loans are interest only and if you hold the property for an extended period of time, you would not be reducing the principle amount.

Using Signature Loans
If you have a good credit score, you may want to consider taking out a signature loan to help fund your acquisition Capital. This type of loan product is not secure by real estate and is based solely on your ability to pay. These types of loans can typically have a higher interest rate than a secured loan due to the higher risk levels the lender is accepting. In addition, there are limits that banks are willing to lend on an un-secured loan. A technique to provide a private lender more security on these types of loans is to take out a life insurance policy for the amount of the note and interest and make the lender the loss payee.

Tap Your Life Insurance Policy
There are some life insurance policies that will accumulate a cash value, this cash may be available to the policy owner in the form of a loan or cash value reduction. See your Insurance Broker for more details on this method.

Self -Directed IRA'S
You may want to consider using a Self-directed IRA to fund your investment capital needs. Self-Directed IRA's have become extremely popular in recent years due to their flexibility with investment options. However, make sure you fully understand the specific rules and requirements of your plan with regards to the capital moving in and out of you account. There are limited custodians that offer the Self-directed IRA. See the workbook module "Reference Information List" handout for contact information.

Transactional Funding
Transactional funding can be an outstanding method for you to financing some of your deals without any of your own capital. A transactional lender will provide extremely short term financing in order to complete the sales transaction and the term of the loan is usually one to a few days. This type of financing is only suited for certain types of real estate transactions like Flipping where in the course of a day, you will close on the purchase side and re-sell it to your buyer. The fees associated with Transactional Funding can be high (2-4% of the loan amount) plus a few points or processing fee. However, when these costs are considered and the transaction is still viable, it can be a great way to complete another deal with other people's money.

Using Your Company Sponsored Retirement Plan
Another technique to raise capital is to take a loan out on your retirement plan. For some, this can be a great way to leverage your money and earn even greater returns than you are currently receiving. The benefits of the approach are summarized below:
* Approval of the loan is usually very easy
* You are paying yourself back with interest instead of another bank or investor with hard money.
* Payments are usually made through payroll deductions making it very convenient.
* Interest rates are lower than hard money (be cautious with this method regarding your monthly payment because with the shorter loan terms typical of this product, you will be paying a higher monthly premium).

Other People's Money (OPM)
When talking about creative financing techniques, you will hear many references to "OPM". The concept of using other people's money is a sure fire way for you to get into a deal with little or none of your own capital. The many different ways to use OPM is limited only by the creatively of the people putting the deal together. By definition, creative financing does not have any hard rules. The level of creativity is usually directly proportionate to the motivation of the parties involved.

As an investor, there are tremendous benefits to you using OPM. These benefits are summarized below:
* When you rely solely on your own capital to fund a project, you are limiting your acquisition plan due to your capital being tied up until your current deal completes the exit strategy. In addition, you will be limited on the scope of the project based on your available funds. However, when you leverage the use of OPM you are effectively creating an endless supply of required capital. This leverage will allow you to attain your financial goals in a more effective time frame.
* If you do not have any capital of your own to invest with, this method may be the only way you may be able to enter the real estate investment business.
* If you have poor credit, conventional financing may not be possible.
* Allow you to shift some of the financial risk to someone who will be benefiting by receiving a good return on his or her investment.

Using Personal Property as Down Payments or Collateral
In some cases, you may be able to offer your personal property as either a down payment or collateral. The seller for example may be willing to take ownership of your car as the down payment. This option offers many interesting possibilities.

Using Hard Money to fund your deal
Using Hard Money to fund your capital needs is a very common financing approach that should be considered. This method of financing is a great win/win strategy. As part of the development of your Success Team, you should have a number of Hard Money Lenders on-line ready to provide you the required capital. One of the benefits of using Hard Money Lenders over other ways of raising capital (like asking your family and friends) is that there is no emotional connection in the deal; either the deal makes sense or not. The criteria that Hard Money Lenders have are usually fixed with little room for negotiation.

Carl Schiovone has been actively involved in real estate investing for nearly 30 years. As the co-founder of Cypress Investment Properties, he specializes in the acquisition, rehabilitation, and property management of residential properties.

Carl has lectured on various investment topics to numerous investment organizations and is currently working on publishing a series of real estate investment textbooks.

Carl is also the founder and President of Carl Schiovone and Associates Real Estate Coaching, Inc. This organization provides both group and one-on-one educational programs for all levels of investing experience. Please visit our website to learn about our outstanding complimentary coaching offer where we can discuss any real estate topic you like!

2011年3月14日 星期一

Bikini Bowl hosted the NFL stars Jamaal Charles and Earl Thomas, EVE

Bikini Bowl hosted the NFL stars Jamaal Charles and Earl Thomas Eva Longoria EVE nightclub crystals in CityCenter in Las Vegas on Saturday, 5 February, 2011. Hot bowl models walked the red carpet Kansas City Chiefs National Hockey League (NHL) and the safety of the Seahawks in the evening will begin with.

Jamaal Charles, Earl Thomas and Bikini Bowl Models NFL stars Jamaal Charles, Earl Thomas and Bowl Bikini Models EVE

Two-sport star enjoyed dinner and Longoria's is recognized, then the sytytyta Steakhouse also at CityCenter. Football stars sipped water and Coke, and enjoy the crispy pork shank, taqueria tastings, chili is seared skirt steak and chicken dish.

Jamaal Charles and Earl Thomas

Dessert for MU Longoria: churros, chocolate creme brulee and a kiss. Where the men were very friendly and paid compliments of the chef de cuisine delicious food and outstanding experience.

Danny Gorrer at EVE NightclubJamaal Charles and Earl ThomasFootball stars of Jamaal Charles and Earl Thomas

Charles and Tomas headed upstairs, where they spent the evening partying Eve nightclub VIP section. There was also participation in yourself for the Baltimore Ravens NFL Cornerback Danny Gorrer. Photo credit: Karl Lawson/courtesy of Eve nightclub.

Bill Cody has entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports to celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.

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Sebago Men's Classic Loafer

Sebago Men's Classic LoaferThis Classic loafer from Sebago will prove to be a staple to your work wardrobe. Traditional styling is accented by glossy leather and detailed stitching, and its stacked heel lends a little lift.

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2011年3月13日 星期日

How to save thousands by selling your home yourself

FSBO-How-To takes the reader through the simple process of selling real estate without an agent. It tells how to 'stage' a home, how to advertise and how to get maximum dollars. Most importantly, how to save thousands in agent commissions!

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Use the vision of the real estate market – where is the second home market and where it goes and Resort

Many times, it seems like there are more questions than answers about today's real estate market. Real estate is difficult to analyze due to its local nature, with submarkets and niche-markets to take into account. At the same time, it's a mistake to ignore the effects of regional and national market forces on what happens in our own backyard.

Why is the market slow?

The short answer is frenzied buying and building based on speculation resulted in an oversupply. But the good news is that both local and global economic conditions seem favorable for a market recovery. In Brian Blackstone's and Greg Ip's July 7 Wall Street Journal analysis, the authors conclude that the job market's June performance, along with signs of vigor in the manufacturing sector and a buoyant stock market, suggest the U.S. economy is moving into the third and fourth quarters with a "considerable head of steam."

Even better, Blackstone and Ip point out that the economy is chugging along with inflationary pressure, enjoying what they dubbed "a Goldilocks moment - not too hot, not too cold." Inflation appears to be in check, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) stabilized at approximately 2.5% and with a decrease in the core inflation rate (CPI minus food and energy). Thus, the influential Federal Reserve Rate remains stabilized, further building consumer confidence.

Consumer confidence is one of the biggest factors in the rise or fall of the real estate market. According to Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtors' (NAR) Senior Economist, "As consumer confidence improves, home sales will rise."

Moving to micro-economic factors - our area's activity - it's interesting to track a resoundingly negative effect of what was very positive real estate sales activity. Within the last 12 months, a South Walton beachfront home sold for $9 million cash, well into the market correction. The news of the sale elated sellers and Realtors alike gleefully used this sale as a comparable for their listings, reasoning "my property is worth at least as much on a square-footage basis." The result was a misguided sense of pricing with sellers not adjusting prices to the actual market.

The corollary of this price-focused fallacy is on the buyers' side. Just as the $9 million sale set an unrealistic expectation for sellers, distress or otherwise low-price sales have set an unrealistic expectation for buyers. One or two of the outlying sales do not constitute the market.

In both up and down markets, we typically have these "outliers." However, their effects are exacerbated when people are particularly sensitive to small market changes. We tracked this same market phenomenon in the heyday of the amateur day-trader, who focused on often infinitesimal daily market blips. As Warren Buffett commented at the 1997 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, "If you're an investor, you're looking at what the asset is going to do. If you're a speculator, you're commonly focusing on what the price of the object is going to do." Long term trends are important, and history shows it is almost impossible to perfectly time any market.

So what's the best course for someone invested in or simply interested in area real estate?

Due diligence is essential to ensure that the real estate you purchase is not only a good value but a quality property. Here on the Emerald Coast, we are unique in that we have a resort market where many properties are characterized as second homes. This market sector continues to show an upward trend. NAR's research highlights this trend in their May 2007 online article, Vacation Home Sales Sets Record in 2006, even though the real estate "slowdown impacted the purchase of second homes as well," continued "low interest rates and a relatively high inventory of properties on the market inspired a significant percentage of home buyers to purchase vacation homes."

Resort real estate is an investment in monetary terms. But in recent years, its value as an investment in buyers' families has often been overlooked. A vacation home is a place to spend time together and create memories. Five years ago, the typical answer to "What will you use this home for?" was "as a second or vacation home for my family, and also as an investment." During the recent frenzied period, the response changed to "an investment we will use on occasion."

The April, 2007 NAR survey of second-home buyers revealed that a clear majority - 79% -- planned to use their new home as a family retreat or for vacations. Still, more than one-third of respondents purchased a vacation home to diversify investments. Some 28% planned to use their vacation home as a primary residence sometime in the future. A quarter of buyers said they bought their second home for tax benefits; 22% for use by a family member, friend or relative; 21% because they had extra money to spend; and 18% to rent to others. We are beginning to see the return of the end user who is investing in resort real estate for the enjoyment of their family, with a realistic long-term vision of the asset's potential appreciation.

There is nothing wrong with purchasing a property that you and your family will enjoy, even if you did not purchase for a rock bottom, seller-bleeding price. If you are willing to pay for a home that is exactly what you and your family want and will enjoy for the next 10 years or more, it will be worth it. Real estate is, after all, a long-term asset.

The current market correction has occurred steadily over the last 18 months, but it appears to be stabilizing. The NAR is predicting only 1% decline for 2007 and a positive pricing outlook for 2008.

In our area, we foresee a trend of less negative numbers with an increase coming soon. We've already seen an increase in market activity, indicating buyer willingness to re-enter the market and the realignment of seller expectations with the market reality. Prosperity across the globe; low and stable mortgage rates and the fact that the net worth of Americans is at an all-time high all point to an upturn.

There has been some talk about the high end of the market dodging the ill effects of the downturn. In point of fact, it all depends on how the so-called "high end" is defined. Sticking to Warren Buffets maxim to find an outstanding buy at a sensible price rather than a mediocre buy at a bargain price--some opportunity does exist at the high end of the real estate market.

Some high-end communities have been negatively affected in the recent market due to multiple purchases by individuals or entities, and purchases by individuals for the sole purpose of flipping the property prior to or just after closing. It is difficult to calculate the number of these properties still hovering in the market. Some of these investors who have a lower cost basis may reap a sizable profit. High carrying costs or other circumstances may force other sellers to sell at a loss.

Two years ago, our market was clearly overheated (see my article "Getting Back to Normal" published in the Emerald Coast Winter 2006 edition of Condo Owner.) Savvy buyers are now recognizing that the choice of property available, and the quality of property available, yields a rare opportunity.

Jeff is co-founder and Director of Business Development and Operations for La Florida. Prior to starting the company, Jeff served as a combat pilot in the United States Air Force responsible for planning and executing complex operations in combat and exercises with US forces and allied countries. La Florida applies the leadership, management, and ethical principles Jeff utilized during his military career to its daily operations.

La Florida has over 25 Years experience consulting, conceptualizing, brokering, marketing, and leading sales teams for Emerald Coast Developments spanning from Destin to Daytona Beach Shores specializing in premier properties and Signature Neighborhoods, Beach Multi-family and High Rise Condominiums. Please visit us at

2011年3月12日 星期六

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The Original Miami Beach Antique 50 annual Show drew international collectors of old and great reviews

press release Source: the Original Miami Beach Antique Show on Wednesday 16 February 2011, 3: 03 pm EST

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE) in the old shows reported sales live, local and international collectors and distributors alike, on the 50th anniversary of The Original Miami Beach Antique Show, which took place on 3-7th February 2011, the Miami Beach Convention Center. As the show's former world's largest interior, the show has become known for its wide variety of antique spectacular, international participants and dealers covering all regions of the globe. The show, located in Miami Beach for all of its 50 years in succession, hosts more than 800 dealers.

As this was the 50th anniversary of the event, on the opening day of the show, February 3, was proclaimed "Original Miami old Show day" by the city of Miami Beach. Participants at the show included many international collectors and gallery owners, as well as celebrities and local officials such as Emilio Estefan, Miami Beach Mayor Mattie Bower and numerous socialites of Miami, who had the opportunity to examine truly one-of-a-kind antiques. On display were rare items as an El Greco painting from the Renaissance, a Porsche 911 signed by Frank Sinatra and Imperial Russian antiques, to name a few. Great sales were reported by a wide variety of dealers very happy.

Scott Thomas of Furniture mid-century Co2 commented: "I sold in 10 minutes from the first day of the show. On the second day brought 12 pieces and sold seven. I did this show two years ago and last year met one of my clients best here. 3 participating shows, this is my best show. I'm thinking just do this. "

Aaron Newman, owner of Atlanta, GA with Steve Newman fine arts, stated: "the interest we received this year was stronger than I've seen. People were looking for and showed extremely high demand for modern art. In particular, received strong interest in our modern sculptures and paintings. Specifically, some of our sales consisted of Lapis vases by Asprey London and an abstract granite sculpture by American artist known Thea Tewi level. We will definitely be present at the show next year and have full confidence in the show and their promoters.

Gus Davis of Camilla dietz bergeron in New York City, whose company has participated in the show for 21 years, told us, "we feel that the interest was the strongest was in a couple of years. People were looking for bold, strong pieces, especially signed pieces. Specifically, we sell a 18 carat yellow gold and mother of Pearl Necklace Orchid by Angela Cummings, a 18-carat yellow gold and diamond necklace Buccellati and a necklace of enamel and Diamond by Schlumberger. We are extremely satisfied ".

Rick Bumgardner of morning glory Antiques of in Kansas city has been an exhibitor at the show for the past 14 years. "The show has been incredibly well attended this year," he said. "There has been a lot of live dealer purchase. We did well. " With reference to your best piece, a painting by El Greco, an artist of the Spanish Renaissance, titled "unknown Gentleman by El Greco" and worth an estimated $ 1 million dollars, he mentioned, "we have developed lots of good information."

John Atzbach, John atzbach, which specializes in Russian Imperial antiques and works of art, said, "it was a great show and was very well for us. Everything was fantastic as always. We look forward to the show next year. "

Odetto Lastra of Antiques Odelas commented: "I've been doing this show for 10 years. This show was pretty good to me. Read in Italian glass and sold a few pieces. Specifically, parts of the Japanese artist Yoichi Ohira. Also sold a Pessato vase by Venini and another by Renzo Pavanello. "

"We were very pleased to see that purchase seems to be back to levels now. Bring buyers right through the door is our number one goal, "said Andrea Canady, fair Director to the old Show The Original Miami Beach Antique Show. "And our exhibitors have reported overwhelmingly for us that we have succeeded in achieving this objective.

The campaign of auction held on The Original Miami Beach Antique Show benefiting charity, the Make-A-Wish R Foundation of South Florida, was a great success. Offering people on items ranging from Miami Heat tickets for paintings, antiques for bottles of wine. Over $ 16000 was created to benefit the children of South Florida.

The next show in the calendar in the old shows is show Las Vegas Antique Jewelry & Watch. The show is scheduled for 2-5 June 2011, the Hotel de Paris.

About the Show's Original Miami Beach antique

The Original Miami Beach Antique Show is produced by GLM R. GLM is leading producer and marketer of consumer products fairs in North America, serving industries as diverse as giftware, decor, social stationery, gear, tableware, gourmet housewares, contemporary furniture, personal care, jewelry, antiques, art, surf, skate, water sports, swim and resort. GLM also manages business conferences and exhibitions for hire or reward within the hospitality industry. Additional information about GLM are available online. Follow in Twitter at MiamiAntiquShow or in Facebook. For additional information, visit.

View the original article here

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Alphabet Stamp Set

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Alphabet Stamp SetThe Wooden Alphabet Stamp Set by Melissa & Doug helps teach capital and lowercase letter recognition and basic colors, and encourages beginning spelling and fine motor skills.

Recommended Activities include: Ask your child to name the capital letters while placing the wooden stamps in alphabetical order from A to Z. Repeat the activity with the lowercase letters, placing each beneath its corresponding capital letter. Using the stamps, count with your child the number of letters in the alphabet. Stamp a series of capital letters, leaving space for your child to fill in the missing letters. Repeat the activity using the lowercase stamps. Stamp a pattern and ask your child to replicate the pattern, making sure the child matches the colors and letters. Includes 56 stamps and a four-color stamp pad.

Price: $19.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年3月11日 星期五

Olympic medalist Apolo Ohno participates in the Jabbawockeez MUS.(I) To (C) Of The Vegas Show.

Olympic medalist apolo Anton ohno participates in the Jabbawockeez MUS.(I) to (C) Las Vegas show for Monte Carlo-Hotel Monday, 7 February, 2011. Eight-time OLYMPIAN Ohno showed off some of his dance moves on stage, Dancing With the Stars Alum met the world-famous Jabbawockeez photos.

Apolo Anton Ohno and JabbawockeezApolo Anton Ohno and JabbawockeezApolo Anton Ohno at Jabbawockeez Show

Describe the inspiration of life through sound and movement of the harmonization brought the audio-visual story MUS Jabbawockeez run ".(I) (C) "on Thursday – at 9: 30 on Saturday and Sunday-Monday at 7: 30 for more information, visit or Photo credit: courtesy

Bill Cody has entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports to celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.

PermalinkTags: Olympic medalist apolo anton ohno, jabbawockeez, music, las vegas Show, the monte carlo las vegas | E-Mail This Post/Page Email this post | Print This Post/Page print this Post |

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The steps of L-6 steps of real estate investing

Real estate investing real estate in Miami is now becoming popular again as there are many properties in foreclosure, short sale, reo Bank foreclosures and Government. With such a vast inventory of homes available for sale a investor real estate should be able to determine which purchase. investor S should follow six steps to learn, understand, and investment success of Miami real estate.

These are steps six l investment real estate from Miami:

1. location-location, location, location still is the key to buying real estate from Miami. Purchase of Miami real estate simply because the price is low in an area of decline is big mistake that should be avoided. Search for homes in an excellent location as good schools, stable economy and growing neighborhoods, near shopping malls and shopping centers, near bus stops and metro rails, near hospitals and restaurants. Sometimes it's better to pay a little more than one property in a good location from which to start a business in a place where it is very difficult to sell or rent the asset. Location is often ignored in buying real estate investors how many think they can overcome a bad location if the price is quite low. Two houses which are exactly the same, in best location will command a much higher price and income. Location is the account number on the purchase of real estate South Florida Miami.

2. long term-real estate investing is a long-term proposition. Don't think you'll be millionaire an overnight. It takes years of hard work and dedication to succeed. Hold any property, at least one year before selling it. Tax on capital gain will be greatly reduced. Consider the possibility of renting the property for two or three years. The income generated will help you to repair and renovate the property correctly. Many investors s bought properties in the middle of boom without money down and no capital. These investor 's were thinking about flipping houses fast and make a killing in the process. Many homes now running are due investor s to who were caught in the middle and now realize that the real estate investing is very difficult to forecast. Miami real estate investment long term is the secret to a successful real estate career.

3. Lease option-never rent out a property with a lease option to purchase. Sell or rent it out. A lease option is usually a disaster for buyers and sellers. The tenant will require a big discount of income to go to the down payment and closing costs. The problem is that the tenant will buy the property at the end of the leasing contract and the owner/seller will be lost a lot of money on discounts for the tenant/buyer. Require a deposit of 20% or 30% of tenant/buyer and a clause in the contract that if they default on buying forfeit the deposit. This technique will force the tenant/buyer to acquire ownership or losing the deposit. The risk of losing the deposit will eliminate the tenant to take advantage of homeowners walk out of the contract after receiving a discount of monthly rental.

4. place-Buy real estate near where you live. Don't buy real estate in another State or another country. Keep the local real estate investment. Buy in your own county and in your city. The more you know about the area where you are buying the better the decision. The investor should always be close to the investment property. The Miami investor real estate must inspect the property often to determine any repair, roof and other problems. The owner must inspect the property of each month to collect the rent. Check the number of tenants really live in the property, check for damage and destruction of property and general condition of the place. The investor/owner won't be able to inspect and determine the condition of the property is located far away. Maintain local real estate is an essential step in real estate investing.

5. enjoy – most real estate books and seminars tell you to use other people's money in purchase of buildings. This technique is not the best and try to buy the property buyers in cash if possible. Buying a house in cash will help you get a better deal and allow you to negotiate a position of strength. A buyer of money will always have the upper hand in negotiating with the banks, owners and other sellers. Cash buyers don't suffer and go into foreclosure, if the market turns and are unable to sell or rent the House immediately. As Dave Ramsey always says "cash is King debt and is dumb". Buying an investment property into cash is a great way to avoid errors of real estate investment from Miami.

6. Learn-the research and learn all about it before you buy. An error in the Miami real estate investment can be very expensive. You typically make their money when you buy not when you sell. Buying real estate the wrong price and the wrong place at the wrong time can be harmful. An error might end up with you and put you out of business before you start. Ask questions to experts, real estate agents, appraisers, mortgage brokers and real estate investors other s. learn, research, educate yourself on all aspects of investment before buying the real estate asset.

It's definitely a market of buyers in Miami-Dade County. Miami real investor s estate have more options than ever when it comes to property investment. investor S should follow the steps of L, the investor guide real estate 6 steps successful real estate, investing, in order to achieve its investment objectives in Miami real estate market.

Hector Lesende is owner/licensed real estate broker in Miami, Florida and creator of the steps of L (Lesende). Please visit that will sell your House quickly. We offer an exclusion list. Search Miami Real Estate Blog Search Coral Gables Real Estate

2011年3月10日 星期四

House of the year: series 2: Episode 3

A competition to find the home of Northern Ireland of the year. Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen judges his visit bytes in Cullybackey, Hollywood and Lisburn.

The search for a North Ireland year continues chlorns Llewellyn-Bowen and cast your eyes over the team judges in three bytes, Hollywood and Cullybackey Lisburn.

Broadcast on BBC two, 7 pm, Thursday, 20 January 2011 is available through: 12:46 am Mon, 21 Feb, 2011 the first broadcast of the BBC, 7.30 pm Mon, 17 Jan 2011 categories duration 30 minutes

View the original article here

Sell Your Home For More In Any Economy

Secrets that add tens of thousands of $$ to your home's selling price

Check it out!

2011年3月9日 星期三

Jumanji [VHS]

Jumanji [VHS]Based on the children's book by Chris Van Allsburg, Jumanji stars Robin Williams as a man who escapes his confinement within a devilish board game, only to be followed by all kinds of exotic problems: elephants, lions, zebras, monkeys, floods, giant insects, killer plants, and a big-game hunter. The computer-generated effects all wreak havoc through quiet streets, and while most of this is pretty fun, relationship conflicts and character development are weak and forgettable. The high point, in comic terms, is probably David Alan Grier's hilarious performance as a cop catching the worst of these various plagues--one at a time. The DVD release has a widescreen presentation, Dolby sound, optional French and Spanish soundtracks, optional Spanish and Korean subtitles.--Tom Keogh

Price: $9.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年3月8日 星期二

Actress Emmy Rossum is hosted by Vegas Magazine cover party at the Bank

Actress Emmy rossum hosts Vegas Magazine cover-party Bank Las Vegas nightclub Friday, February 4, 2011. Acclaimed actress Rossum celebrated his new lead role on the Showtime series of stylish "Shameless".

Emmy RossumEmmy Rossum is hosted by Vegas Magazine cover party at the Bank
Rossum walked red carpet wrap over at Red sleeveless top in double thread with a slit up the side of the Burgundy dress Vegas hotspot. He was working on the red carpet photographers a great job. Emmy Rossum and Vegas Magazine Emmy Rossum Actress Emmy Rossum, Emmy Rossum ' Shameless ' Emmy Rossum Emmy Rossum Emmy Rossum the Bank nightclub Emmy Rossum Emmy Rossum, Vegas Magazine party Emmy Rossum

His stunning appearance was a small highlight of her red lipstick and a long list of over-the-shoulder hair. Tonight would have been a better actor. The evening is sponsored by Beau Joie and DJ KARMA submitted songs.

Bill Cody has entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports to celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.

PermalinkTags: actress, emmy rossum, shameless, magazine, magazine, the vegas of the Bank in las vegas, las vegas nightclub | E-Mail This Post/Page Email this post | Print This Post/Page print this Post |

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Real estate investing for beginners-how do I start?

Real estate investing has been way of ordinary man of wealth and prosperity since the beginning of time. And that many have tried and failed. But for those who learn the principles of real estate investing have become rich, or at least live more comfortable. As basic as real estate is our existence all who try to be successful don't realize their goal. They are many reasons, but from my years of experience as a investor re the main reason is because they are caught up in hype sales and not properly assess what area they should be continued reinvestment.

Real estate investing for beginners: How do I start? You'll discover how to determine which area of reinvestment is best for you.

I've been watching infomercials, attending seminars, boot camps, 3 days, buying books and courses since the early 1980s and until this day and what I discovered is that everyone is trying to become a re lasted investor and higher. They have not provided direction and they are not getting the full picture of what it takes to be a successful investor re. Re investing for beginners: How do I start? Is a good way to simplify many ways to begin because they are so many ways to invest in real estate: foreclosure, preforclosure, successions, sale, contract for deed, lease option, lease of sub, owner financing rehab, rental, wholesale. So that one should do? Where to start? Start more with what can make them more money fast or what is popular at the moment. But neither is the right approach.

What advice beginners to do is evaluate your resources: time, money, credit, assets, savings, investment experience, re experience, work experience, other achievements, risk tolerance, objective financial, moral support and other characteristics of skill. Like many other investor re s have told these are the things that you should consider before going into real estate investing? Based on what you come up with you compare it with what it takes to be successful in every area of investment. This process will take emotions and get closer to choose the right approach for you.

Being a former financial adviser (stock broker) I know that most people want or need more money, debt exit, take more time with family. When considering an investment, the risk is key, as well as how much money is needed to begin. That is why re investing for beginners: how to obtain said is a good way of re investing approach. Real estate investing is and will always be popular, and for good reason. Why? Because it has the highest rate of return for the lowest risk. But some investments may have more risks than others. If you don't know what you're doing you can lose your shirt even in real estate. So it provides the greatest return with minimal risk?

Good question. Quite simply grosso.

Wholesaling is where you find properties generally 50% below market, mark-and sell it for investor a for a profit. A typical profit wholesale is $ 3000-$ 5000 per business. You don't have to fix the property. You don't have to get any funding. You don't need money or credit or a job. And there is no risk on your part. Unbelievable that I know, but it's true.

I've done for 9 years now and others are doing the same in every city in America. Have you heard of Homevestors? That's what they do.

So the best re investing for beginners by far is thick.

To learn more about real estate wholesale go to

Darrell Muhammad is a student of your craft. He studied real investing over 25 years and has been an active investor since 2000. He enjoys sharing what you know with anyone who will listen.

To get free training and getting started in real estate wholesale go to

2011年3月7日 星期一

Real estate investor training-short sales

Because of current economic conditions in the housing market there is a great investor 's interest in acquiring investment property with short sales. So-that is a short sale? A Real Estate short sale happens when a vendor database allows a property to be sold for and accepts payment of less than the amount due to that Bank.

An example would be gross if one owner home currently owed $ 170.000 on a mortgage and the Bank keeps this mortgage agreed to allow the home owner to sell the House and mortgage payment to $ 150.000.

An overview of a selling technique can work like this ... The investor begin by doing a marketing campaign or sign up for the program to find prospects. Having found some names you contact prospects and get one from proceeding with selling short. When you have reached an agreement with this view, request a copy of your last communication database to verify that what they said is accurate.

Before going further you should search public records in order to discover any liens Add itional that might exist. This is important so that you can decide the time to stop the process or try to work with these creditors to have liens removed. If you choose to continue, have the seller contact your bank or mortgage company sales department and request an authorization to contact third parties and a packet of Forms Sell short.

After selling kit arrives-Bank have the seller fulfils all forms and paper work and return it to the Bank. They also must provide authorization information from third parties. Now you should contact your bank using the third-party authorization and talk to the person assigned to the case.

The Bank must give you instructions for sending your offer. When you submit your offer make sure reserves the right to do a thorough inspection of the property must accept his offer. When the Bank responds your offer you must be prepared and negotiate if necessary. If the offer is approved you will need to monitor and promote the project periodically.

If this sounds like a lot of work for you-you understand the program! But there are some advantages to selling technique. They include:

Instant equity

the Lots of perspectives

What is so complicated and time consuming that only a few competitors persevere

What is a good fit for the systemized process

the seller can avoid foreclosure

the long written about subject

There are also some disadvantages and some of them are:

will deals primarily with sellers desmotivadas and unhappy

You also have to deal with banks

the seller may owe taxes on the unpaid balance

This technique takes longer than many other ways to find deals

the seller may still owe the Bank the difference

You cannot pay the seller any money if you want to stay out of jail

o there may be other liens on the property.

Taking into account the disadvantages to the seller – why on Earth a seller never agree to sell your House that way? There are three main reasons. Sellers who agree to work with you don't want to have a foreclosure on your credit record, they don't want your credit to suffer more necessary and they became tired of dealing with and want to get rid debt 's.

Why would a bank agrees to have less than the total amount due? The Bank or mortgage company may be more motivated than you think of a number of reasons. The value of the property may have dropped since the loan was made. The buyer is behind on your payments and want to prevent another debt bad in books. There are Federal sanctions and restrictions for banks with debt s bad in his books. And the Bank may only want to avoid the hassle of having to terminate, take ownership, fix it and market it just to try to break even. And everything is still break a bank is allowed to do.

There are several ways to find opportunities to sell short, but the quickest and easiest way is to subscribe to one of many programs for sale on the market. Just use any internet search engine and find one that meets your needs and budget. Many of these programs offer lead generation and scripts for what to say to potential customers. They also provide advice on filling out countless forms required.

If you are determined to reinvent the wheel, you can buy a list and send letters to attract potential short selling ers. Or--you can just run an ad campaign that could include advertising:

the newspapers and tabloids

with flyers

experiencing letters

using Birddogs

As you can see the technique of short sale is not a quick and easy way to start on the road the richness of real estate investing, but by devoting a good deal of study, hard work and time, can become a profitable technique to use in their quest for success investing.

I hope this article helped you in your quest to create wealth through real estate investor training. For more articles about real estate investor training and to sign up for free e-books, articles and reports, please visit my site where you will also find free forms, documents, Downloads and much more. Visit for large real estate investor tools.

For sale by owner real estate – meaning

The deadline for sale by owner, which is abbreviated as FSBO, real estate is a term that describes the configuration in which a property is offered for sale by its owner directly and without the owner having to request the help of a Realtor, implying that no real estate Commission is associated with the sale.

In recent years, the term has been widely used to describe the process of marketing, buying and selling real estate without the representation of a REALTOR.

Fado trends in the u.s. and Canada

A lot of sellers who choose to sell via fado do it to avoid paying commissions to a broker, which usually is 6% of the selling price of the property in many areas of the United States. However, fees may vary between 5% and 7% in different markets across the u.s. and Canada.

According to a recent survey by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), approximately 12% of 2006 in real estate transactions were made through Fado and 13% of 2005 in real estate transactions took place through fado, who fell 14% in 2004.

Some FSBOs, who are willing to pay a reduced fee, may enter into an agreement with a broker to list your property local Multiple Listing Service of Realtors for a flat fee. This can be one of the fastest growing segments of the real estate industry. According to the Canadian Real Estate Association, stating that 75% to 80% of homes in Canada were sold through brokers, part of "for sale by owner" would represent about 20% or 25% of the remaining sales.

How to make a FSBO

Embark on a for sale by owner, without representation, is not so difficult if the market is moving quickly and inventory is adjusted as soon as it becomes available for sale. However, for most FSBOs finding buyers is typically a challenge. According to the National Association of Realtors, most sale by owners of just the list with a Realtor because most buyers are represented by an agent. Other reasons are why owners sell alone lack the expertise to price of a home to sell and short in marketing knowledge. When selling a house without the help of a broker, try these helpful hints:

-A House to sell price is part a hunch, market research and time. You can't always depend on the evaluation of an agent of value, because sometimes only ads from overpriced agents to attract your business away from competitors.

-Hold an open house and remember that in most areas, Saturdays are just as popular as on Sundays. Moreover, obtain the services of a good photographer to shoot a virtual tour of your home and advertise the virtual tour link on your marketing website.

-Marketing Your House must be oriented to increase traffic to your home. Avoid marketing mistakes by being flexible with presentations, offering incentives for buyers and getting feedback from the buyer or opinion.

Real Estate-Press

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2011年3月6日 星期日

Turnkey Real Estate Flyers Package

Make a Professional Real Estate Flyer Now!! Instantly create professional real estate flyers that attract buyers and markets you as a hot shot real estate agent. Flyer templates you can re-use cutting costs! Commission 70%.

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2011年3月5日 星期六

Winn Leather Shoulder Strap

Winn Leather Shoulder StrapFeatures: Large ergonomic shoulder pad, Heavy-duty hardware, and Matte silver hardware used on both black and brown leather.

Price: $65.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Why I enjoy must sell my house?

You stress ed is out on their mortgage payments? You're thinking bankruptcy which is your only option right now? Maybe a short sale is right for you, millions and millions of homeowners are in the same position and many millions more will come the perception that they cannot keep up with the current decline of house values. They are paying for a House that only worth half or less then what they paid for it when they buy the House.

It is expected that 20.000.000 owner has negative equity in their homes in the very near future and this perhaps short of real number. In other words, they are more on their homes than they're worth for many years to come. More than 2.9 million homes prevented were in the past three years and hoped that this number grow much larger in the next two years or more.

So how did we get where we are today?

Well, it all started with the Government not watching on the financial market and allowing companies to have a mortgage for free money and race to let it flow like a fire hydrant. In the years between 1999 and 2007 the mortgage and banking were literally giving away the store. Many people had the opportunity to buy homes where the values were filled and the money up front was cheap. They also made the approval process so easy that anyone could get a mortgage if they just made their situation fit into the mold. The mortgage and banking industry found a whole in the donut and filled with green.

Money flow and ease of access, along with corruption and greed this real estate recession will be around for many years. Should be massive tsunami of homeowners who are simply making the decision to sell through verses of sales classification stay in their homes and hoping that one day your home will be worth what they paid for when they bought.

It is not safe! News across the nation say tales of people of all levels are considering selling through sale. Sell your House for short sale does not need of shame or a life with experience. Should be looked at as a way to restructure a broken market and housing market back to where I should be if the financial industry had inserted mortgages huge profit for the economy.

To really look for a short sale would look like a smart economic strategy to be used by many people who are totally back with no hope of recovering lost. It also should be parsed as a way to fight the greed and ignorance of the financial system that capitalize on the back of the American consumer.

The housing market will recover when it has stabilized and this will happen when values back to where it should have been before the boom years (2000). If the market doesn't see the enjoyment of 20, 30, 40 and some are considering 100% per year. If we had stayed or surrounding the recovery of historic 5-10%, the owners today wouldn't be where they are today.

Clearly we are in uncharted waters. The current housing crisis is different from all previous housing recessions. It is well known that many financial institutions sold mortgages so deceptive-for example, approving people for loans they really couldn't afford-so why owners should feel obliged to honour their commitments?

The owner's point of view, why they should stay in a House that is amortization? Often you can rent the same style of House in the same area by half (or less) than the current mortgage payment. Assuming it takes years for the market to be recovered, the owner who sells his house through a short sale is now far ahead of the person who's stuck out '.

Here is a simple example that explains what's happening!

From May 2008:

Owner pays $ 500000 at the peak of the market in late 2006. Owner put 5% and made an interest only mortgage for 7 years. Monthly payment, including the principle, interest, taxes and insurance is $ 4200 per month. Assuming that the property has a reduction of 30% and is now worth only $ 350000, the owner has negative equity or is "upside down ' $ 150.000 .the market continues to depreciate and was designed to level off in the middle to the end of 2009.

Option 1

Owner can paste it ' and keep the House. They will continue making your monthly interest only payment/home maintenance $ 4200 per month. They will pay $ 50.400 per year to keep the House. They are deeply ' upside down ' at home with huge negative equity. By the end of 2009, home value depreciation stopped. The market is the plan for at least one year later. Inventory levels have to sell. In late 2010 or early 2011 the market then slowly starts to enjoy again. Best case the House starts to appreciate at 5% per year. Based on this example rough will take at least 7 years for this home worth what the owner paid in 2006. During this time the owner has paid $ 50.400 a year. Do the math. That's $ 352.800 went to stay home and stick it out '.

Option 2

Owner home list with an agent trained in doing short sales. The House sells and the Bank agrees to accept the loss of equity as the short sale. Bank loses $ 150000. Owner moves to a rental home in the same neighborhood and pays rent of $ 2000 per month. Half of its previous payment of home! Homeowner saves the difference between what he was paying for the House property and its new rent payment. $ 26.400 per year! Yes, the owner has significant negative ramifications of credit as a result of its sale. This credit negative prevents them buying a home for the next 18 to 24 months. With this option you can sit the housing recession and bounce back when the market hit bottom. If it the right time can buy it at the bottom of markets. This time, he'll have a more significant payment and a mortgage of better quality.

Let's be clear on this point, yes they have done to his credit the hit will be smaller than a foreclosure and will recover faster. When the housing market finally hits bottom these same people will be in a position to sign in again on the market and start the cycle to make the market strong again. Which would you rather have 18 months of credit decreased or total damage for 10 years and not to mention what does a closure to his neighbors home, that short sale saves more than just credit it can save a neighborhood.

Tim Robbins, Sr that an exclusive Buyers Broker in New Jersey for nearly 20 years. I have to offer the buyer the option of having your own agent to work with and for your interest. The simple difference agents is that they work for when you're making a purchase. You need to have someone by your side that will guide you through all the complexities about buying more important part of you life. To find out more about how you can become an educated consumer and learn more visit or call 610-3588

2011年3月4日 星期五

Sell Anything Fast

Learn how to sell almost anything with low-cost classified ads. Find out where to advertise free in your town or surrounding area. Get rid of your unwanted items. Sell your car, boat, appliance, furniture, motorcycle, and more the easy way.

Check it out!

Real estate investors sell their own homes-for sale by owner

1. Knowing your buyer- that you're trying to sell this home? Owner occupant who has a mortgage pre approval "to" type of buyer? Don't limit yourself You may want to consider the extra income that you can do with buyers of type "B" or "C", keeping the mortgage of 1 or 2. How about investors s others who want more properties in your portfolio.

2. sales prices- I have held the property for a long or short, your business is to know the market. If it was a recent purchase rehabilitation, who made a CMA to determine the value upon completion. A house you performed for in your portfolio, you need to do a CMA (comparable market analysis) to determine its sale price.

3. Advertising/Marketing- short Journal and point 4 to 5 lines with 800 # with pre recorded message announce every day as for sale by owner, handouts for all local neighbors in cars in large parking lots and everyone in your group of rima where you are a member include the 800 #, signs 24 "x 24" size minimum professional made for sale by owner called pre recorded message 800 #.

4. real estate agents- cooperate with real estate agents you may pay 2% to 3% If the deal there is take it. Some costs are saved in a faster sale. If you're not going to follow through with selling yourself, list with a professional realtor that has various marketing strategies and internet savvy do it quickly, don't waste time playing as a FSBO.

5. Buyer access to home- safe at the front door with key. With 800 # buyer name information sheets, Add number, ress (confirm on the internet), you return the call with the minimum qualification not purge the buyer with many questions give them the combination to the safe. Ask them to return the key for the box and call the 800 # to confirm that they left home.

6. qualification and mortgage programs- in the House has a descriptive brochure with all relevant information of the property also has a short form of mortgage application to populate and return to you or your mortgage company and faxed a form listing of various mortgage programs available for this property with the price of ask prepared by mortgage representative. This document goes along way to close the deal without chasing buyers around to fill out forms. Remember to include information about owner financing 1 and 2nd mortgages that could help you save your business or just doing business.

7. monitor and close the deal- you have a buyer now close the deal. Act as a third uninterested not caught in entire minutiae. You're trying to sell this property forget about all the work you actually forget the midnight calls for repairs only close the deal. Have all signed documents can be best to have documents signed in the Office lawyer its for a more professional face to the buyer.

You can sell investment property-if you're like the normal FSBO (for sale by owner) you'll work hard to make this close. It can be worth thousands of dollars extra for you when it's all said and done.

Bill Carey a broker/investor/constructor. His more than 30 years of experience in selling real estate, investment and construction offers a unique perspective to the processes of investment-grade Real Estate. Bill and his family own resort rental and hold a number of rental properties of off-Campus students in the southern States. This began when our eldest went to school at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. The family of Carey continues to buy and successfully rents student car rental properties

How to save $ 50000 plus in your college education Childs. 9 steps to in-state tuition. Student Rental Real money makers. Check out the 10 part e-course on "how to buy your student rental property"

Contact Bill by email or visit our website

(Your comments are welcome)

2011年3月3日 星期四

Real Estate Foreclosure investment strategies

Real Estate Foreclosure investing can be a lucrative niche for those who take time to learn the strategies. Foreclosed realty encompasses a variety of properties, including residential homes, vacant land and commercial real estate.

When buying real estate investor closure, s must be financially prepared to invest in property repairs or renovation. While prevented properties are priced below market value, require substantial repair can quickly deplete home equity.

Investor s must engage in due diligence by examining comparable sales reports and obtaining home inspections, property evaluations and repair estimates to determine the true cost of buying foreclosure properties.

There are several options to locate prevented properties at discounted prices. The most common is to participate in public foreclosure auctions. All properties displayed through the auction are sold in "as-is" condition. Buyers must be prepared to send full payment within 24 hours after your application is accepted. Once realty is transferred, owners are responsible for removing tax liens and lender and making necessary repairs.

Another option is to browse homes for sale closing. These properties are in the process of closure and purchase negotiations take place with loss mitigation Department of creditors.

With short sales, creditors agree to accept less than the total amount due on the loan home. Properties are listed by REALTORS or sold directly through the Bank. The sales process can be complex and time-consuming. occupying four months or more to complete. Buyers must obtain pre financing before submitting an offer. It is important to note that banks rarely accept offers less than the asking price unless the inspections reveal major problems.

Homes for sale investor can provide you with a good deal, but may not be the best option for investor the s that participate launching at home or plan to use the House to generate income. Buyers willing to wait for the process typically can buy homes in 10-to 20% below appraised value.

One way to get the best price on properties of closure is fetch s private investors who specialize in wholesale. Some groups of s and the investor investment to acquire entire Bank portfolios composed of dozens of foreclosure properties owned by the Bank.

Also known as real estate owned (REO) homes, these properties are homes that have not sold at auction. One of the biggest advantages of REO property is homes are sold with a clean title. When retrieving databases property real estate closing to remove tax liens creditor and attached and start with the dump action to the owner foreclosed refuse to leave the premises.

investors S who buy houses in massa get wholesale prices and pass savings along to individual buyers. REO homes can often be bought into% 20 to 30% below market value and investor s provide instant home equity.

It is crucial to the investor real estate to become educated on all facets of buying foreclosure properties. investor many beginners are tempted by low Properties price, but fail to realize the costs associated rehabilitation bing to the property.

Foreclosures short sale, and bank owned real estate almost always require some level of repair. Investor s must take time to calculate the true cost of the property before making an offer to buy. Otherwise investor s, can contain title for a money pit that can take years to recover financially.

Simon Volkov is a real estate investor, California that specializes in buying and selling real estate closing, Bank Owned properties and homes for sale. Your site offers real estate investing articles and resources to help investors develop strategies to build solid investment portfolios. learn more at

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This is the best real estate market in a decade to the owner of the financing to investors!

Many investors s and owner will be shocked by this statement. But if you're an owner financing investor type, the next three to five years will provide enormous opportunities.

Vendors used to hire a real estate agent, the agent would set the House on the MLS, owner would begin the packaging and the agent would start spending your Commission check. Because they had just classify offers and pick one that offered the best conditions and more money on the asking price. As western spaghetti, those days are gone, along with many of the brokers real estate agents and mortgage that have flooded the market during the housing boom.

Now sellers are desperate for an offer-any offer. Buyers who could easily have qualified last year are now completely out of the market. The Fed could cut interest full colon and still will save the current market.

Is not the interest rate that is impacting shoppers, is the new standards, tighter requiring complete documentation, advances, two and three assessments or evaluations of property value and qualifications of the prospective buyer and many come up short.

Heck, even the buyers that the finish line to worry if your mortgage broker will be in the business are using until the filing closes, and if the creditor they are using will be able Fund of the business.

This provides an incredible opportunity to investor s that comprise the financing to grab great deals from the owner. And homeowners who understand the owner financing will sell its properties much faster and not have discount them as much-if at all.

Essentially the owner financing refers to any technique where the property owner helps the buyer to finance the purchase. This can be in the form of a ' second ' seller where the buyer usually Gets a loan to purchase majority, and the seller accepts a portion of the purchase price on a note that is payable by the buyer. Essentially the seller becomes a creditor.

An example would be a salesperson who had a house worth $ 500000 and is highly motivated to sell or are in a financial position where they do not need to receive all proceeds in cash. They can offer to finance 5-20% of the purchase price, thereby contributing to the buyer entered qualify for a loan. If the seller really need the money, they can also have the second that create this transaction and sell it to a buyer of notes with a discount.

The amount of discount will depend on a number of variables, including buyers, credit scores, the amount of seasoning in the loan and the loan value among other issues. To take back the second and then sell it in place of the secondary market can bring global seller, more money in this market almost certainly allow the property to be sold faster.

Other common owner financing techniques include sandwich lease options, leases, contract for deed, ' on ' and involves or all Inclusive Trust Deeds (AITD) and these will be future article topics, including examples of when you should or shouldn't use them.

If these techniques are so good, why are not well known? Since mortgage brokers and real estate agents don't make a Commission on these offers, they don't have an incentive to promote these techniques and since many agents are new – they simply don't know about them.

Examples of a couple of offers that could be done with owner financing:

1. the property is 100% LTV and the owner is $ 10000 behind without hope that comprise payments-conventional wisdom says that this would need a short sale, however, there are other methods that could work and allow the owner to leave without a foreclosure on your FICO.

2. the buyer has a prepayment, but cannot qualify for a loan of new guidelines.

3. the seller lost their job, needs fast, has a prepayment penalty and 90% of the value of the House and can't pay $ 5000 to your new job which is three hours.
Owner financing could help in all situations and with a little creativity, one can earn on these types of transactions.

Owner financing is not a panacea, but it is a very real option for many people who are not currently aware of their options. Whereas there are more than 150 thousand homes that are more than 30 days late in Los Angeles County alone, even if it only helped 10% of homeowners who were 15000 families.

Considering the millions of families in the United States who are facing foreclosure or having trouble selling your home, there are great opportunities for investor the s few years ago the owner financing come.

John s. Brooks, is vice President of national real estate investors Club and an expert on owner financing and foreclosures. This article was published in NCREI. To receive free training real estate five CD's and for the rest of the articles on financing go to

John s. Brooks has over 15 years experience in construction of residential real estate, rehabbing, find wholesale properties and real estate financing creative. Brooks began from the ground up to work in construction of family and then moving to buy vacant and abandoned properties. For three years he worked in the Texas markets, buying and selling properties using various techniques of owner financing.

He is now teamed with Sam Sadat, President of the national real estate investors Club (NCREI) to bring high-quality educational seminars and intensive trainings to investors throughout Southern California. Together they developed the NCREI investor Academy to assist investors to turn their training in action.

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